My Personal Style Breakthrough During COVID

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Have you ever thought “I could figure out my personal style if I didn’t have to dress for [blank]”? I thought the same thing and then suddenly, in March 2020, I was working from home full time due to the global pandemic. Just like most people, sweatpants were my new norm. (No judgment for anyone wearing sweatpants.)

Freedom in Never Leaving the House

One day I realized that I was in complete control of what I wore. With my work wardrobe collecting dust in the back of my closet, I was free to experiment with my style. I could keep wearing pajamas and sweats or I could wear clothes that made me feel like myself.

I scoured Pinterest for outfits to replicate and a pattern appeared. Neutrals, especially black and white, and basic silhouettes, like t-shirts and jeans, made up most of my pins. Unfortunately, my closet was full of mis-matched items that weren’t versatile. Frequently growing bored of my outfits I looked for new pieces.

Never leaving the house meant I had lots of downtime to mindlessly browse clothing websites; clicking ‘purchase’ without much thought. Sure, I mastered return policies and kept less than half of what I bought but I felt trapped in an endless cycle of buying new items that didn’t fit my vision.

Documenting Outfits

That mindset changed when I started documenting my outfits. This was my huge breakthrough. Every day I snapped a picture of myself in the mirror or created a collage in my Smart Closet app, usually both. A few weeks of this habit showed me the clothes I favored and the style I preferred.

I took a picture of my outfit everyday
Yes, blue is my favorite color!

Clearly, I prefer a casual style and neutral colors (plus blue!).

Easy Steps To Help You Find Your Personal Style

  1. Write down aspects of your personality. Even if they seem to contradict each other, that’s ok.
  2. Find the pieces in your wardrobe that you love. The ones that make you feel confident, stand up straighter and smile. Write down the details of what you like about those pieces – fit, color, style, etc.
  3. Use those personality aspects and outfit details as keywords to search for outfit inspiration. Example: laid-back outfits with blue tank top. Not all combinations will work, but I think you get the idea.

Personal Style: It’s the Journey, Not the Destination

Just like trends go in and out of style, your personal style will change; I know mine has. Your lifestyle will change, which will prompt a change in your wardrobe. You will age and want to change the way you dress. I titled my blog Style-Ish Journey because we are all on different parts of a journey and my hope is that we can walk together and learn to dress confidently everyday. Also, how many times have you felt just style – ish. 🙂

While You’re Here, Check Out My Other Posts

5 thoughts on “My Personal Style Breakthrough During COVID”

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